As we all know, parenting is the most challenging, overwhelming and tiring job. Every step we take will, in some way, form our children, leaving an imprint on their futures. Even as I sit here trying to write, my children distract and disturb me every three minutes… ‘Did I eat enough?’ ‘Can I […]

Gardening Workout
Being active in the outdoors has plenty of scientifically proven natural benefits. Being outdoors, breathing in fresh air can boost your energy levels, improve your immune system (breathing in phytoncides increases white blood cells which fight off infections and disease) and when in sunlight you can get your daily dose of vitamin D. […]

Double the workload
The situation most parents find themselves in is challenging to say the least. We are trying to work from home while also home-schooling our children. It is a price we need to pay for the safety of our nation. In years to come, looking back we might not think ‘staying at home’ was such a […]

Fresh Air Enjoyment During Lockdown
Just because we are not supposed to be visiting people or going places, doesn’t mean we can’t go outside. Fresh air can work wonders, especially when you’re feeling cooped up. Irish weather isn’t always favourable but when it’s at least dry, head outside for a change of scenery. Have your morning coffee in the garden […]

Ideas or encouraging good behaviour
Parents want nothing other than to do the very best they can for their children. Not only do you need to show love and respect for your child, you also need to be able to set boundaries and find ways to encourage good behaviour. […]