Starting school is a huge milestone for your little one. It’s also a huge milestone for you. You need to help your child prepare for school, but you also need to prepare yourself. If you feel prepared, this will help your child also feel prepared. Here’s a few suggestions on how to get ready for […]

Great hobbies for kids to try
Are you looking for a new activity for your little one to get stuck into? Sometimes finding a new class or new hobbies for children to take up can be a great way to add some excitement to their weekly routine, and they might learn a great skill in the process. Here are some fun […]

The end of home schooling, almost
As the summer nears, so ends the last school term. Covid-19 restrictions have taken their toll on all the citizens of Ireland and we all deserve to be proud of the efforts we have made to keep Ireland safe, however grand or small. That said, it has been particularly challenging for parents with school-going children. […]

Flora Adventure Trails
As of May 5, we are allowed to venture 5 kilometres from our homes. While it might not be the freedom we were hoping for, it’s still something to be grateful for. At times, it can seem as though you are trapped in a tiny bubble with no outlet or creative distraction. It can be […]