Sometimes as the weather starts to get colder, children don’t want to be outside in the wet, dreary weather. But they need the exercise and they’re bouncing off the walls inside! Here are some fun things to do that will help get your children excited to wrap up warm and go for an autumnal adventure. […]

Great hobbies for kids to try
Are you looking for a new activity for your little one to get stuck into? Sometimes finding a new class or new hobbies for children to take up can be a great way to add some excitement to their weekly routine, and they might learn a great skill in the process. Here are some fun […]

Tips on introducing a new partner to your children
Family life has been changing with each new generation. An important factor contributing to this, is that many parents no longer stay in a relationship for the sake of the children. When the choices are staying in an unhappy relationship versus separated co-parents who are happier, children benefit more from happy parents as opposed […]

When parenting gets overwhelming
As we all know, parenting is the most challenging, overwhelming and tiring job. Every step we take will, in some way, form our children, leaving an imprint on their futures. Even as I sit here trying to write, my children distract and disturb me every three minutes… ‘Did I eat enough?’ ‘Can I […]